Air Quality Observatory
Urban background
(43°21’N, 12°34’E, 39 m asl)
The Bologna Air Quality Observations are located inside the CNR Research Area, in via Gobetti 101, Bologna. The site is classified as urban background and is made up by (i) CNR-ISAC Air Quality Station sited on the top of the ISAC building, at about 25 meter on the ground; (ii) ARPAE Supersite for Air Quality Measurements sited at ground level near the ISAC Institute, the activity of the Supersite station began in November 2011, in the framework of the Supersite project of the Regione Emilia Romagna. Measurements performed routinely at the station include PM1, PM2.5, and PM10 mass concentration, together with particle number size distribution from 3nm to 10µm. PM2.5 samples are collected daily for the quantification of organic carbon, elemental carbon, ions, and metals. A High Resolution – Time of Flight - Aerosol Mass Spectrometer is deployed at the station to measure submicron particle chemical composition and chemical species size distribution at high time resolution (a few minutes). PM1 and PM10 size segregated samples are collected to analyze organic fuctional groups and size distribution of major chemical components (water soluble organic carbon, insoluble carbon, and ions). In addition, polar organic compounds, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, and linear alkanes are investigated in PM2.5 samples as marker of specific aerosol sources.
website: http://www.arpa.emr.it/pubblicazioni/Supersito/generale_2110.asp