observations versus modeling

Meteorological observations as well as numerical predictions (Moloch model, developed by CNR-ISAC and used at the horizontal resolution of 1.25 km.) are plotted for the main sites where the ACTRIS-2 Mt. Cimone and Po Valley field campaign is carried out. Observations in the days of yesterday and today and numerical predictions for the days yesterday, today and tomorrow are shown for a comparison with the observed data. Maps of regional (hourly) forecasting for temperature, precipitation and cloud cover are also shown, as well as the vertical cross section of main meteorological parameters.


A meteorological forecast over the whole national territory is performed using non-hydrostatic Numerical Weather Model "Moloch" developed by CNR-ISAC. Moloch forecast (horizontal resolution about 1,5 km) is computed daily in operational mode in CNR-SAC. Here some forecast products are presented. In particular a vertical cross section up to the 5 km altitude is shown, from Tyrrhenian to Adriatic Sea, passing through the three sites where the fields measurements are carried out: Monte Cimone, Bologna and San Pietro Capofiume. Forecasts over the next 48 hours are shown for potential temperature, potential equivalent temperature, wind, temperature, relative humidity and cloud water content.

NRT Observations

Image removed.

Some of the main parameters describing aerosol absorption coefficient (and ancillary data) observed during campaign are plotted here in Near Real Time,
site by site. Raw and unscreened data are represented and may not have final calibration applied.


Air Quality

air quality

The WRF-CHIMERE modelling system has been implemented over the Emilia Romagna region for simulating atmospheric gases and aerosols formation, diffusion and removal processes on regional scale.




A meteorological forecast over the whole national territory is performed using non-hydrostatic Numerical Weather Model "Moloch" developed by CNR-ISAC. Moloch forecast (horizontal resolution about 1,5 km) is computed daily in operational mode in CNR-SAC. Here some forecast products are presented.




Flexpart lagrangian simulations allow to characterize the source-receptor relation of atmospheric tracers in the framework of long range and mesoscale transport. For the ACTRIS campaign a 1000 back-trajectories cluster is released every 6 hours from a 3D box of 0.5°x0.5°x500m dimensions over each measurement sites, travelling back in time for 4 days