
San Pietro Capofiume

Atmospheric Composition Observatory

Rural background

(43°21’N, 12°34’E, 11 m asl)

The meteorological station “Giorgio Fea”, located at the rural site of St. Pietro Capofiume (BO), it is owned by ARPA Emilia Romagna and CNR collaborates and implements continuous measurements and performs field experiments for over thirty years. It is equipped for online monitoring of gases ( sulfur dioxide , ammonia, nitrogen oxides , ozone) , particulate matter sampling for atmospheric chemical speciation, speciation in continuous of non refractory chemical species ( by Aerosol Mass Specrometer, AMS) and measurements of number concentration ( by twin - DMPS in collaboration with the University of Kuopio). The station currently is part of the project SUPERSITO . ARPA also runs radar measurements, radio soundings and operates a phenological station. Support structures to research activities are available at the field station: a chemistry laboratory , wi-fi covering the entire area, distribution of electric current through specific towers in different locations of the field, a two-storey tower suitable for sampling up to 7 meters. Because of these characteristics, the station is used for field campaigns in the framework of national and international projects. The station is part of the international network ACTRIS (http://www.actris.net/language/en-GB/Project.aspx). Further analysis performed at the San Pietro Capofiume Station are the characterization of physico-chemical-optical properties of both columnar aerosol population (sun photometry and lidar) and at ground (aerosol scattering and absorption measurements), together with an accurate evaluation the radiative balance and albedo description. The sun-photometric measurements, together with radiation, is part of the international network SKYNET (http://atmos.cr.chiba-u.ac.jp/index.html).




NRT Observations

Image removed.

Some of the main parameters describing aerosol absorption coefficient (and ancillary data) observed during campaign are plotted here in Near Real Time,
site by site. Raw and unscreened data are represented and may not have final calibration applied.


Air Quality

air quality

The WRF-CHIMERE modelling system has been implemented over the Emilia Romagna region for simulating atmospheric gases and aerosols formation, diffusion and removal processes on regional scale.




A meteorological forecast over the whole national territory is performed using non-hydrostatic Numerical Weather Model "Moloch" developed by CNR-ISAC. Moloch forecast (horizontal resolution about 1,5 km) is computed daily in operational mode in CNR-SAC. Here some forecast products are presented.




Flexpart lagrangian simulations allow to characterize the source-receptor relation of atmospheric tracers in the framework of long range and mesoscale transport. For the ACTRIS campaign a 1000 back-trajectories cluster is released every 6 hours from a 3D box of 0.5°x0.5°x500m dimensions over each measurement sites, travelling back in time for 4 days