observations versus modeling

Meteorological observations as well as numerical predictions (Moloch model, developed by CNR-ISAC and used at the horizontal resolution of 1.25 km.) are plotted for the main sites where the ACTRIS-2 Mt. Cimone and Po Valley field campaign is carried out. Observations in the days of yesterday and today and numerical predictions for the days yesterday, today and tomorrow are shown for a comparison with the observed data. Maps of regional (hourly) forecasting for temperature, precipitation and cloud cover are also shown, as well as the vertical cross section of main meteorological parameters.

A meteorological forecast over the whole national territory is performed using non-hydrostatic Numerical Weather Model "Moloch" developed by CNR-ISAC. Moloch forecast (horizontal resolution about 1,5 km) is computed daily in operational mode in CNR-SAC. Here some forecast products are presented. In particular a vertical cross section up to the 5 km altitude is shown, from Tyrrhenian to Adriatic Sea, passing through the three sites where the fields measurements are carried out: Monte Cimone, Bologna and San Pietro Capofiume. Forecasts over the next 48 hours are shown for potential temperature, potential equivalent temperature, wind, temperature, relative humidity and cloud water content.